India’s only Wisden cricket of the year Virendra Sehwag has yet again in the limelight after he trolled Virat Kohli in a tweet when he said ‘Itni badly 100 toh shayad Kohli ne bhi nahi chahaya hoga.” this came when two students in India retake exams as they were not satisfied with their 99.9% and 99.7% scores.
Sehwag Again Create Humour
Sehwag a well known aggressive opener India has ever produced is now a well-known Twitter pandit who regularly came in limelight with its tweets. No doubt he came with a humour one.
He the twitter once criticised Kabadi sport and also questioned MS DHONI at one point in time. But this Twitter is really humorous one but being a senior retired player he is not supposed to demotivate Virat our skipper just need motivation as I think he is not getting.
Sehwag is trolling our skipper but he forgets that Virat on other hand manage to scores the 50s but fails to convert it into 100s. Virat has a captaincy burden but despite all this, he is averaging above the 50s in all formats of cricket.
Sehwag has said this in humour but this is against the sportsman spirit as he unknowingly letting our skipper morale down. Every cricketer has these ups and downs in his life even Sehwag has gone through when he is trolled for throwing his wicket without scoring well.
King is Struggling
Indian test side has made its impact in recent years under the leadership of Virat Kohli but our skipper bat is silent for the past couple of months and die-hard ‘’virartians’’ want Kohli’s 71st international century.
In recent test rankings, Virat slipped to 5th position our king is struggling these days but his never die-hard attitude makes India in a good position in a going test series against England in England.
Virat is a name who knows how to come back and the world is waiting for his comeback but if you look at his batting average he is still batting above 50 average despite he scores century.
This shows the class of our king he consistently scoring above 50 but fails to convert it into 100 but positive is he is contributing something. He is a king and he knows how to overcome all this and bounce back, even more, stronger and incoming next few months Indian cricket team has a busy schedule so we can hope for the best.
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