As IPL 2022 will happen in India this year. The Mega Auction took place on 12-13 Feb. There were 590 players who registered themselves to be a part of this mega auction. The Auction went amazing the teams had a Criteria of Picking min 18 and max 25 players of the Purse Amount they had.
It was a roller coaster for the people bidding and even the ones watching. Surprising bidding wars Top Players being Unsold The auction was filled with complete action these two days it was a perfect weekend for the fans Indeed.
Sreesanth Gets Emotional after the Mega Auction
The eight teams who played the last year were given a chance to retain 4 players maximum for the next season and come in the auction with the remaining amount. Not all teams retained four players some went with twosome went with four.
The management really gave whatever they had for making a strong base for their Franchise. Some teams look strong at the end, but nothing happens on paper. We will look at who makes the most in the ground.
There were many Big Names who went unsold in the auction. It was surprising for the fans, Sreesanth the bowler from the winning squad of the 2007 Cup. He has been a brilliant player, but was caught in spot-fixing and was serving a ban from cricket.
It was very heartbreaking to see him away from Cricket. He registered for the Mega Auction, but unfortunately, he wasn’t picked up by any team on that he shared a video in which he wrote “Always grateful and always looking forward… lots of love and respect to each and every one of u.:” om Nama Shivaya” This was the caption In the video he was singing a famous Hindi Bollywood song which says you should never stop keep running keep fighting for the things.
Always grateful and always looking forward…❤️❤️❤️❤️🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻lots of love and respect to each and everyone of u.:”om Nama Shivaya “
— Sreesanth (@sreesanth36) February 14, 2022
You’ll surely get it one day. Hope so he makes it in the next season. All the 10 teams are ready with a power-packed side so let’s see who brings the trophy home.